Canada Post 2010 Stamp Program
Updated: Jan 3/11
First-class Postal Rates
Rates in effect January 11, 2010.
- Domestic: 57c
- USA: $1.00
- International: $1.70
Elizabethan-era postal rate listing. [Updated May 9, 2024]
2010 Canada Stamp Program
Self-adhesive issues are indicated by the

logo, used by Canada Post.
- Jan 8: Lunar New Year: Year of the Tiger (2 stamps)
- P (57c) (pane of 25)
pic [Sc # 2348]
- $1.70 souvenir sheet
pic [Sc # 2349]
- uncut press sheet
pre-issue pic
- Prepaid Postcards (1 of each design @ $1.79 each)
pre-issue pic
- Jan 11: Rate-change definitives
- P (57c) Queen (booklet of 10)
pic [Sc # 2365]
- P (57c) Flag over Historic Mills (5 designs) (booklet of 10 and 30)
pic [Sc # 2351-55]
- P (57c) Flag over Historic Mills (5 designs) ($2.85 souvenir sheet of 5)
pic [Sc # 2350]
- Flag over Historic Mills - Prepaid Postcards (1 of each design @ $1.79 each)
pre-issue pic
- Flowers
- P (57c) Striped Coralroot (coil of 100)
pic [Sc # 2357]
- $1.00 Giant Helleborine (coil of 50 and booklet of 6)
[Sc # 2358 / 2362]
- $1.22 Rose Pogonia (coil of 50 and booklet of 6)
[Sc # 2359 / 2363]
- $1.70 Grass Pink (coil of 50 and booklet of 6)
[Sc # 2360 / 2364]
- Flowers ($4.49 souvenir sheet of 4)
pic [Sc # 2356]
- P (57c) Striped Coralroot (coil of 5,000)
[Sc # 2361]
- Jan 12: Vancouver 2010 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games (2 stamps)
- Feb 1: 57c William Hall in celebration of Black History Month
pic [Sc # 2369]
- Feb 8: 57c Roméo LeBlanc
pic [Sc # 2370]
- Feb 14: Canada's First Olympic Gold Medal on Canadian Soil
- 57c booklet of 10
pic [Sc # 2372] - $1.14 souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2371]
- Feb 22: Celebrating our Olympic Spirit
- 57c (2 designs) in booklet of 10
pic [Sc # 2374-75]
- $1.14 souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2373]
- Mar 3: African Violets
- P (57c) (2 designs) in booklet of 10
pic [Sc # 2377-78]
- $1.14 souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2376]
- Prepaid Postcards (1 of each design @ $1.79 each)
pre-issue pic
- Apr 14: $1.70 Canada-Israel Diplomatic Relations (booklet of 6), joint
issue with Israel
[Sc # 2379]
- Apr 19: Four Indian Kings (4 stamps)
- 57c (pane of 16)
pic [Sc # 2380-83]
- $2.28 souvenir sheet of 4
pic [Sc # 2383b]
- $2.28 souvenir sheet of 4 - 'London 2010' overprint
[Sc # 2383c]
- May 4: Canadian Navy (100th anniversary)
- 57c (booklet of 10)
pic [Sc # 2385-86] - $1.14 souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2384]
- May 13: Marine Life: Sea Otter and Harbour Porpoise (2 designs), joint
issue with Sweden
- 57c (booklet of 8)
pic [Sc # 2387c-d]
- $1.14 souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2387]
- May 22: Canadian Geographic Wildlife Photography Contest (5 designs)
- 57c (booklet of 10)
pic [Sc # 2389-93] - $2.85 souvenir sheet of 5
pic [Sc # 2388]
- Jun 18: 57c Rotary International in Canada (100th anniversary)
- booklet of 8
pic [Sc # 2394] - Prepaid Postcard (@ $1.79)
- Jul 2: Art Canada: Prudence Heward
- 57c (pane of 16)
pic [Sc # 2395]
- 57c & $1.70 in souvenir sheet of 2
pic [Sc # 2396]
- Jul 5: P (57c) Roadside Attractions, part 2 of 3 (4 stamps: SK, MB, ON, QC)
- booklet of 8
pic [Sc # 2398-2401] - $2.28 souvenir sheet of 4
pic [Sc # 2397]
- Prepaid Postcards (4 designs @ $1.79)
- Jul 8: P (57c) Girl Guides of Canada (100th anniversary) (booklet of 10)
pic [Sc # 2402]
- Aug 17: 57c Cupids, NL (400th anniversary)
pic [Sc # 2403]
- Sep 1: 57c Home Children
pic [Sc # 2404]
- Sep 7: P (57c) + 10c Mental Health (booklet of 10)
[Sc # B16]
- Oct 4: $10 Blue Whale: High Value Definitive
pic [Sc # 2405]
- Oct 19: Beneficial Insects: Low-value definitives
pic [Sc # 2406-2410]
- 4c Paper wasp
- 6c Assassin bug
- 7c Large milkweed bug
- 8c Margined leatherwing
- 9c Dogbane beetle
- 34c Souvenir sheet of 5
pic [Sc # 2410a]
- uncut press sheet
pre-issue pic
- Nov 1: Christmas Ornaments (3 stamps)
[Sc # 2413-2415]
- P (57c) red (booklet of 12)

- $1 blue (booklet of 6)

- $1.70 pink (booklet of 6)

- $3.27 Souvenir sheet of 3
pic [Sc # 2411]
$16.20 gutter booklet ($1 and $1.70)
pre-issue pic
[Sc # 2415b]
- Nov 1: P (57c) Christmas Nativity (booklet of 12)
[Sc # 2412]
2010 Commemorative Envelopes
These are envelopes with a special cachet and cancel commemorating an event. They are
a new stamp issue but are an official Canada Post Product.
These sell for $2 each (unless otherwise indicated).